What’s on : Lectures

Making space for nature: Ecology, Politics and Policy

5 Feb 2013
Start time
7:30 PM
Tempest Anderson Hall
Sir John Lawton
Making space for nature: Ecology, Politics and Policy

Event Information

The Michael Clegg Memorial Lecture
Joint event with The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Making space for nature: Ecology, Politics and Policy
SIr John Lawton, Chair of The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Making Space for Nature (the ‘Lawton Review’), published in September 2009, made 24 recommendations to government about improving the performance of England’s nature-reserves. One (that there should be a national competition to establish 12 very large habitat restoration and re-creation projects) has attracted the most attention. In the Natural Environment White Paper (June 2011) government accepted the idea of a national competition for 12 Nature Improvement Areas (NIAs), and made £7m available to pump-prime their establishment. The lecture will review progress with establishing the NIAs, and then go on to consider why governments of all political shades sometimes rapidly embrace the recommendations of expert committees (e.g. the NIAs), but all too often ignore or reject others (including some in Making Space). Many scientists hold the view that the problem lies in politicians not understanding the issues (the ‘deficit model’). Sometimes this is the case, but usually it is not. Politics is not science, and there are all kinds of reasons (some legitimate, others less so) why governments wilfully ignore or contradict what ‘the evidence’ says.


There is no denying that, for whatever reason, many species are in decline, that global climate change is happening, and that there are still chances to deal with the problems and perhaps reverse them. The difficulty lies in convincing the politicians of not only the problems and their possible solution but, crucially, of timing the advice for maximum (political) effect.

Achieving biodiversity requires managing large areas containing a variety of terrain, which gives species a better chance of survival in bad times. Habitats need to be maintained; they need to be connected. Above all they need protection. The results help farmers, landscapes, flora and fauna, and also the physical and mental well-being of all of us.

Some battles have been won but the war may still be lost. Species-rich meadows, lowland heathland and fens have largely disappeared; some species cannot respond to climate change, because of lack of adaptability or lack of connection to better sites.

The UK has long had national parks, and other forms of protection for species and landscapes. A vast army of amateur naturalists performs heroic and continuous monitoring work. The government remains sympathetic and moderately supportive of initiatives to protect and better manage sites. The recent creation of twelve Nature Improvement Areas is due to a combination of enthusiastic amateur groups, and government funding. There may be hope for the future.

Carole Smith