Library News
February 2016
Recent Donations of books to the Lodge Library
Books on the History of York
John Hampshire has generously donated a number of books on the history of York, including: Aylmer & Cants History of York Minster, Wilson & Mees Medieval parish churches of York, and several books by Hugh Murray: This garden of death, Doctor Evelyns York, and Photographs and photographers of York.
Two Volumes formerly owned by John Phillips
We have also recently been given two volumes formerly owned by John Phillips, the first Keeper of the Yorkshire Museum, and one of the most important figures in the Societys formative years. These are Volumes I and II of George Shaws Zoological lectures delivered at the Royal Institution in the years 1806 and 1807. This work was certainly a significant in its day, and is well illustrated with numerous plates by Mrs Griffith, who is acknowledged as one of the best engravers of her time.
The volumes carry John Phillipss bookplate, inscribed
John Phillips, F.R.S.
St Marys Lodge
Phillips became a fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1834, and in 1838 took the lease of the old Abbey gatehouse then The Brown Cow, a rather down-at-heel inn, converting it into a gentlemans residence – we now know it as Marygate Lodge. The bookplates therefore date from after 1838, although of course Phillips may have owned the actual books before that date. Perhaps he even used them to prepare his lectures to YPS?
Peter Hogarth, Hon. Librarian