What’s on : Activities

YPS Multi-day Study Tour Presentation

31 Oct 2017
Start time
7:00 PM
Tempest Anderson Hall
YPS Multi-day Study Tour Presentation

Event Information

After a short presentation starting at 7pm, before our regular lecture on October 31st, the Activities Group will ask your advice about which Study Tours you would prefer us to offer to members in 2018. These tours would be organised specifically for the YPS by the travel agents, ‘Just for Groups!’, .

One of the tours offered will definitely be based on Scottish Gardens in June, but we have three other suggestions, visiting Norfolk, Cheshire and Shropshire respectively. One of these will be offered in late April, and if we are able to recruit a volunteer to liase with ‘Just for Groups’  in running a third tour, this would probably take place in September.

We will be handing out questionnaires before the presentation which will give you the opportunity not only to tell us which of the tours we are offering you would prefer to go on, but also give us an indication of what you would like us to offer in future years.

We hope everyone who has an interest in YPS holidays will come along to learn about next year’s offering and help us make future decisions, but if you are not able to attend this meeting, you can find more information about the choices and download a questionaire by clicking here.

Members who want to attend the lecture but do not wish to arrive in time for the presentation with the presentation may be asked to wait in the atrium until the presentation has finished.