Bootham School Public Lecture programme

YPS held their first lecture with Bootham School on Tuesday 15th March and a review and slides are available on this website (Member’s report and Slides from this lecture as a pdf)

Bootham School hold a public lecture programme and here are some of the details of the Spring events:

8 February (7pm)
Nigel Hughes (B: 1975-82): Ups and downs in Himalaya: using fossils to explore the evolution of the world’s greatest mountain chain
Nigel is Professor of Geology at the University of California, Riverside

22 March
Simon Smale (Bootham Parent): Our Bugs: how they influence health and disease
Simon is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Clinical Director at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

29 March
Ione Fine (Bootham Parent): Neuroscience: sight recovery technologies
Ione is Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington

All talks can be viewed via: