Book reviews
Flexner, Abraham. The usefulness of useless knowledge (AR 2017)
Ham, Ken. Dinosaurs for kids (AR 2014)
Hogarth, Peter. The most fortunate situation (AR 2018)
Hough, Susan. Richter’s scale (AR 2016)
Jorgenson, Timothy. Strange glow (AR 2016)
Lewis, Cherry. The enlightened Mr Parkinson (AR 2018)
Nahin, Paul. George Boole: logician and the engineer (AR 2017)
Speakman, Colin. John Phillips (AR 2020)
Stanhope, Peter. Edwin Ridsdale Tate (AR 2015)
Webb, Katherine A. City of our dreams: JB Morrell and the shaping of modern York (AR 2019)
Wilson, Ellen Gibson: Great Yorkshire Election of 1807 (AR 2016)