
Trailblazer: Archaeologist Mary Kitson Clark

From May to September 2024 Make it York/York Civic Trust will be producing a Tansy Beetle sculpture trail around York with each beetle representing itself and a lesser-known person or group who have contributed to the culture and heritage of …

Posted - 28/04/2024 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 22nd December 2023 Surprised by a statue A few years ago I encountered an animal sculpture which was attracting even more attention than the Ghost Bear in the Museum Gardens (see previous blog).  Pulling over for an oncoming wide …

Posted - 22/12/2023 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 24th November 2023 A ghost, a myth and a menagerie Of the “ghosts” recently on show in the Museum Gardens, the one that perhaps drew the most attention was the Bear, but passers-by photographing the fearsome beast were probably …

Posted - 26/11/2023 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 13th October 2023 Sculpture to remember It’s the season of school crocodiles.  Lines of matching young children are regularly shepherded past the Lodge by teachers who must breathe a sigh of relief after negotiating the hazards of Museum Street …

Posted - 16/10/2023 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 22nd September 2023 New neighbours During these last weeks of summer my nearest neighbours have been a pair of house martins, busily raising a family in the garage.  It was a joy to watch their aerial skill as they …

Posted - 23/09/2023 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 1st September 2023 A noble newsletter? “Bring forth the horse!” – The horse was brought; in truth, he was a noble steed … These lines from Bryon’s Mazeppa, memorized in childhood, came to mind as I worked on our August …

Posted - 1/09/2023 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 11th August 2023 Bringing in the harvest (slowly) As I write, the regular thrumming of a combine harvester pervades the village.  Behind the house, in what was once a field of oats there is now a tower of huge …

Posted - 13/08/2023 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 21st July 2023 Fast plants Before the present spell of showery weather set in, the first combine harvester was seen in action in a barley field nearby.  The return of sunshine will see wheat, oats and rape being gathered, …

Posted - 24/07/2023 | Read more

The Clerk at the Lodge

Friday 19th May 2023 A Tree of Knowledge In the opposite corner of the Museum Gardens to the Lodge, on high ground beside the Hospitium, a small orchard has been newly established.  Among historic Yorkshire varieties of apple trees stands …

Posted - 20/05/2023 | Read more

The Clerk in the Country

Friday 21st April 2023 Steam v Snow Not every remarkable performance by steam locomotives entered the record books.  In the very severe winter of 1947 the Settle to Carlisle line was blocked several times by drifting snow filling the deep …

Posted - 25/04/2023 | Read more