What’s on : Activities

York Cemetery visit

2 Aug 2013
Start time
7:00 PM
York Cemetery

Event Information

York Cemetery opened in 1837, and went into voluntary liquidation in 1966. In the following years it became a derelict wilderness, and the buildings decayed.  Since then, York Cemetery Trust and the Friends of York Cemetery were formed to retrieve the situation.  The Cemetery itself has been brought back into use, and transformed into an attractive recreational and wildlife area, known particularly for its butterflies.  The neoclassical (Grade II* listed) Chapel has been magnificently restored.

We shall be conducted round the Cemetery by David Poole, of the Friends of York Cemetery, and hope to visit a number of notable Victorian members of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society who reside there, particularly John Phillips, whose grave is pictured above. After the tour, refreshments will be served in the Chapel, and small parties may be taken down into the crypt.

There is ample car parking space within the grounds.

The total cost will be £6.00 per head.

Please return the form below, with cheque, by Friday 12th July


The Yorkshire Philosophical Society accepts no responsibility for any loss or injury suffered while taking part in its activities. Participants are advised to consider appropriate insurance cover .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

 Visit to York Cemetery    Friday 2nd August 2013

please return this form, with cheque, by Friday 12th July

!/We would like ……… places and enclose a cheque for £            made payable to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society.

Name(s)   …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address    ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone ……………………………………  email   ……………………………………………

If you would like confirmation by post, please enclose s.a.e.

To book on line, use the search box at the top of the home page to find the ‘make a payment’ page. It  is important that you fill in the ‘purpose’ box, otherwise the clerk will not know what you are paying for. Then email Frances Chambers – info@yorksphilsoc.org.uk with all the details required on the booking form  above.