What’s on : Activities
Event Information
Once more, Stuart Ogilvy, Curator of Geology at the Yorkshire Museum, has volunteered to lead a family fossil-hunting trip for us. This time we will be at Robin Hood’s Bay, a wonderfully fossiliferous locality, easily accessible and even boasting a convenient pub on the waterfront.
We will meet in the car park at the top of the village (N.G.R. 952.052)and walk down to the beach. The beach is rocky and stout footwear is recommended. It can be exposed, so waterproof clothing is advised. A hammer & chisel will be useful, as will a bag for your fossils. Do make sure though that you and your children only chip out fossils on the beach and do not act as agents of erosion on the cliffs!
Bring your own lunch and a drink
Low tide is predicted at 12.50, high tide at 18.50
Keep a careful eye on the sea, particularly when walking North. Please keep a careful eye on the children. The cliffs are unsafe.
The Yorkshire Philosophical Society accepts no responsibility for any loss or injury suffered while taking part in its activities. Participants are advised to consider appropriate insurance cover .
Applications to Graham Williamson, YPS, The Lodge, Museum Gardens, York YO17DR
No reply envelope needed please assume you are going unless we inform you otherwise
Family fossil-hunting trip to Robin Hood’s Bay Sunday 22nd September
Please reserve places for adults and children
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I enclose a cheque for £ (£5 per adult) made payable to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society.