George – Don’t Do That!
- Date
- 18 Jun 2011
- Start time
- 12:00 AM
- Venue
- Tempest Anderson Hall
- Speaker
- N/A
On Saturday 18th June the Yorkshire Philosophical Society hosts “An Evening with Joyce Grenfell”, an entertainment of monologues and songs, celebrating the wit and wisdom of one of Britain’s best loved comediennes.
It is written and performed by Two cousins and a piano, a nationally known duo: Catherine Flye, a professional actress, who has written and produced over 50 commissioned plays and entertainments, and Ian Clarke, whose versatile musical accomplishments include directing choirs and chamber groups, and performing as solo keyboard instrumentalist with many ensembles and appearing live on Radio 3’s In Tune programme.
Their tribute to Joyce Grenfell has been described by Sir Derek Jacobi as ..” such a delightful concoction that I have seen it twice. A glorious mixture of frivolity and seriousness, food for the spirit and the mind. A lovely, warm, amusing and touching evening”.
The performance takes place at 7.30 pm on Saturday 18th June in the Tempest Anderson Hall at the Yorkshire Museum. Refreshments will be available in the interval. Tickets at £12.00 (£10.00 Concessions) can be obtained from the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, The Lodge, Museum Gardens ,York YO1 7DR E-mail Tel 01904 656713 in office hours or by telephoning 07963 791937.