What’s on : Cafe-scientifique

New Tools for Old Pots: Using scientific approaches to investigate Yorkshire’s medieval pottery

7 May 2025
Start time
7:30 PM
City Screen Basement Bar
Yannick Signer, University of York
New Tools for Old Pots: Using scientific approaches to investigate Yorkshire's medieval pottery

Event Information

New Tools for Old Pots: Using scientific approaches to investigate Yorkshire’s medieval pottery

Yannick Signer, University of York


Yorkshire’s medieval pottery has long been recognised for its broad range of forms, decorations and manufacturing techniques. As part of an ongoing doctoral research project into the development of medieval pottery production in Yorkshire, material from various production sites is being investigated through a range of scientific approaches. In this talk, we will take a closer look at these techniques and how they can provide some insight into how pottery in Yorkshire was produced. The results of this scientific research highlight how changes varied across the region and raise as many new questions as they answer old ones, but they do provide an interesting insight into Yorkshire’s potting past.

Yannick Signer is an archaeologist and postgraduate researcher at the University of York who specialises in archaeological pottery and medieval landscapes. He is currently undertaking an AHRC (through WRoCAH) funded research project on the development of Yorkshire’s medieval pottery production with a particular focus on the 11th to 13th centuries.

Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm event start:

We are holding this free Cafe Scientifique session on Wednesday 7 May 2025 from 7pm, talk starting at 7.30pm at City Screen Basement, Coney Street, YO1 9QL     Lift access available. No Booking necessary.

Please buy a drink in the basement bar, take your seats and be ready for a presentation and discussion.