What’s on : Lectures

The French Air Force in York 1944-45

19 Oct 2011
Start time
6:30 PM
Tempest Anderson Hall
Dr Matthew Cobb & Prof Phillipe Lane
The French Air Force in York 1944-45

Event Information

The French Air Force in York 1944-45

Dr Mathew Cobb
Manchester university
Professor Phillipe Lane
Attaché to the Ambassade de France au Royaume-Uni

Joint event with the Yorkshire Air Museum and the Allied Air Forces Memorial

by Ken Hutson

A full house, including many French visitors, witnessed not a lecture as such, but a celebration of the part in the war effort played by two RAF squadrons of French airmen based at Elvington. Stephen Lusty, Chairman, started proceedings with a bi-lingual introduction in which he emphasised how much the airmen had come to know York and how we owed them a great debt of gratitude. After a film from the Air Museum archives displaying life at Elvington and actual action footage, Professor Lane introduced nine surviving members of the corps who displayed remarkable sprightliness as they came to sit on the stage, their ages ranging from 84 to 91. Dr Cobb then interviewed each gentleman. He did a great job of interpretation for a rapt audience as they spoke enthusiastically and with amazing recall about their experiences. They all emphasised their affinity with York, and we learnt that the squadrons, 346 Guyenne and 347 Tunisie had the names of French territory, to remind the airmen what they were fighting for. Half the aircrews were killed in action.

This was a unique evening for the YPS.