What’s on : Activities

Visit to Fulford Barracks and the Kohima Museum

20 Mar 2014
Start time
10:00 AM
Fulford Barracks
Visit to Fulford Barracks and the Kohima Museum

Event Information

This trip is now fully booked

Brian Ward, local historian, and Bob Cook, curator of the Kohima Museum, have kindly agreed to host a visit for up to 30 members. The barracks have, for many years, been an important part of York’s history, and Brian Ward has agreed to organize a guided tour of the substantial army headquarters in Fulford.

The Kohima museum houses records and memorabilia of the very important but little known battle of Kohima. This battle, fought in difficult circumstances and with great loss of life, halted the Japanese advance into India, and is generally regarded as a turning point in the Second World War.Bob Cook will give a presentation of the Battle and answer questions.

For more information contact
Graham Williamson, Yorkshire Philosophical Society,
The Lodge, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7DR