What’s on : Activities

Visit to the York Plasma Institute, University of York

14 May 2013
Start time
6:00 PM
Plasma Institute, University of York
Visit to the York Plasma Institute, University of York

Event Information


In Physics plasmas are ionised gases which form the fourth state of matter. The visit will reveal three different aspects of plasma environments – magnetic confinement fusion, laser plasmas and fusion, and low temperature plasmas.


The event will last about an hour and a half. Please send a stamped addressed envelope with your application.


There is a charge of £4 per person and numbers are limited.  Participants will be sent instructions about how to get there with confirmation of their booking about a month before the event.


Jim Matthew


*The Yorkshire Philosophical Society accepts no responsibility for any loss or injury suffered while taking part in one of its visits.

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Visit to the York Plasma Institute

6.00 p.m.  Tuesday, 14 May 2013


–          I/We wish to attend the visit.

–          I/We enclose a cheque for £……… and a stamped addressed envelope



Please also print name(s):


–          Phone number:                                     email:


–          Please return to Jim Matthew

YPS , The Lodge, Museum Gardens, York YO1 7DR