What’s on : Lectures

William Smith Bicentenary Celebration: Geo Britannica in Northern England

21 Sep 2024
Start time
10:00 AM
Tempest Anderson Hall
See Programme
William Smith Bicentenary Celebration: Geo Britannica in Northern England

Event Information

William Smith Bicentenary Celebration: Geo Britannica in Northern England

(The Impact of Geology on Northern England)

In February 1824 the YPS held its first lecture which was given by William Smith and this Symposium, in partnership with the Yorkshire Geological Society, celebrates the bicentenary of this momentous event.


10.00am          Registration

10.45am          Introduction (David Harbourne, YPS Chair)

11.00am          The first lectures of William Smith – Colin Speakman

11.35am          The Yorkshire Philosophical Society William Smith Map of 1824: a unique variant  –  Duncan Hawley (History of Geology Group)

12.10pm         The Miners’ Stratigraphy and the 18th century roots of stratigraphic geology – Ru Smith (University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur)

12.45pm         LUNCH BREAK

2.00pm           Introduction and YGS notices (John Knight, YGS President)

2.10pm           Mapping the Chalk – Laura Austin-Sydes (British Geological Survey)

2.40pm           Microfossils in Stratigraphy: History and Applications – Duncan McLean (MB Stratigraphy Ltd.)

3.30pm           Mapping project – Louis Chambers (Hull and Durham University)

and Becky Hopkins (Hull and Southampton University)

4.00pm           Mapping: The Future (Panel Discussion)

4.30pm           Q&A Session

4.50pm           Close of Meeting

Abstracts for lectures 21st September

This free event is held in in the Tempest Anderson Lecture Theatre in the Yorkshire Museum. 

On Sunday 22 September there are the following field studies in Scarborough:

Excursion 1: led by Peter Rawson (Rotunda Group)

The William Smith town trail starting at 11am from at the viewpoint next to Queen Victoria’s statue (and the Town Hall) on St. Thomas Street. The trail will conclude with a visit to the Rotunda Museum.

Excursion 2: led by Liam Herringshaw (YPS/Rotunda Group)

Starting at 11am with a tour of the Rotunda Museum followed by a search for dinosaur footprints (and other things) in the Middle Jurassic beds of South Bay.

Pre-Register here:
