GMP People
Many people contributed in many different ways to the success of the Geological Map Project.
The ‘Parents’ of the project were the YPS Gardens Group, Chairman Judith Glover
Project Manager Rod Leonard
Our designer:
Janette Ireland is an experienced mosaic artist who works on both public and private commissions. She designs & fabricates pebble paving and pebble wall art, and says of this commission:-
As a pebble mosaic artist & designer, the opportunity to work on a project illustrating a geological map is just perfect. I weave a story into my work, and the gritty individual, who chose to settle in Yorkshire translates aptly into the patterns I am creating with many Yorkshire stones. The setting, in the grounds of the ruined St Marys Abbey, a special place, with history on top of history, is fitting for a commemoration to the very beginnings of understanding life. The people of York, and many visitors to York, will find much to contemplate whilst standing looking down on the mosaic; but looking up will see York Minster from where William Smith stood, taking in the views of rock strata, he would have been able to see my interpretation of his lifes work.
Janettes public work can be seen in Stevenage town centre; Birchall Park, Birkenhead; Regent Square, Keith and the old rose gardens at Clitheroe Castle, among other places.
Our Potter
‘Potter Man’, Lee Steele fired our clay samples into attractive pieces which will be displayed next to the mosaic, along with our rocks.
GMP Volunteers
Irish, Vivien (YPS, legal and publicity)
Leonard, Margaret (YPS, leaflets, web information)
Leonard, Rod (YPS, Project Manager)
Pringle, Alison (YMT, Gardens Manager)
Steering Team
Leonard, Rod (YPS)
Lusty, Stephen (YPS Chairman)
Pringle, Alison (YMT)
Woodward, Mike (YMT Chief Operating Officer)
Support Teams
Addyman, Peter (YPS)
Beavers, Melody (YMT)
Brophy, Catherine (YPS)
Clark, Lee (YMT)
Glover, Judith (YPS)
Hurst, Felicity (YPS)
Kyriacou, Christine (YPS)
Masterman, Lauren (YMT)
McDonald, Kelly (YMT)
Geological Advice and Rock Procurement
Barnwell, Jean&Graham(Cleveland Ironstone MM)
Delissen, Angela
Herringshaw, Liam (UofHull)
Hutchinson, Geoff(YMT)
Jones, Andrew (YPS)
Kidd , Adrian (N Yorks Geodiversity Partnership)
King, Sarah (YMT)
Ogilvy, Stuart (YMT)
Preece , Rosemary (Nat. Coal Mining Museum)
Thornley, Paul (YPS)
Tymon , Alison (Nat. Coal Mining Museum)
Williamson , Graham (YPS)
Other Valuable Support
Baggaley, Amy (YMT)
Chambers, Frances (YPS)
Diaz-Petersen , Erika (English Heritage)
Hale, Bob (YPS)
Hampshire , John (YPS)
Hogarth, Peter (YPS)
Sally Kingsley (YPS)
Shepherd, Chris (Chris Shepherd Photos)
Sinclair, Caroline (YMT)
Watts, Martin (YMT)
Janette Irelands Geology Advisers
Lam, Caroline (Geological Society)
Leigh, Prof P A (U of Chester)
Ludden, Prof John (BGS)
Styles, Prof Peter (Keele University)
Donors of Rock Specimens
Cleveland Ironstone from NE Yorkshire. Jean & Graham Banwell (Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum)
Coal from Northumberland. Keith Palmer, Davis Bolton (UKCSMR Ltd)
Coal Measures Paving from Appleton & Moselden Quarries. Ian Pearson (Marshalls Natural Paving)
Ironstone from Port Mulgrave. The National Trust
Limestone etc from Coldstones Quarry. Shirley Everett, Bob Orange, John Peate (Hanson UK)
Limestone from Spaunton Quarry. George Winn-Darley
Triassic Clay from Alne Brickworks. David Armitage (York Handmade Brick Co. Ltd)
Other specimens were obtained from public spaces.
Financial Donors – (M) signifies a major donor
Margaret Addyman
Miss J Agnew
Prof E W Anderson
Mr R Anderton
Anon (M)
Dr M A Atherden
Mr & Mrs A J Baker
Mr & Mrs A Bell
Ms E A Bellwood
Mr J M Bennett
Mrs G Bews
Hywel Beynon
Mr J Bibby
Mrs C Biglin
Miss B J Boize
Mrs J Brooks
Mr & Mrs F H Brown
Mr A Brownlie
Carin Burchell in memory of Rita.C Burchell (M)
Mr W R Burton
Mr D Chambers
Mr George Cheek
Mr Roger Cook
Prof. Sir Ron & Lady Cooke
Mrs J H Cooper
Mr R L Cooper
Mrs H Crawford
Mr R J Cruse
Mr H G Davies
Mrs R Davies
Mr & Mrs P Denton
Mr & Mrs J Dexter
Mr M M Dodson
Mr G M Donald
Mr P Duggan
Mrs E Dunnett
Mr J Dyson
Mrs K M Fairbrother
Mr W A Fairburn
Mrs E Fenteman
Feoffees of St Michael’s Spurriergate (M)
Mr D J Foster
Mr G R Foster
Mr J S Fox
Mr N G Fulton
Dr Judith Glover (M)
Dr & Mrs J C Godfrey
Mr W Grant
Mr D M Greenwood
Janet Griffiths
Mr R F Haddon
Mr & Mrs M Hainsworth
Mr R A Hale
Mr M J Hall
Mr R Hall
Mr A J Hammersley
Mrs M Hammersley
Mr J B Hampshire (M)
Ms H J Hanstock
Mr & Mrs J Harper
Mr & Mrs B Harper
Ms B J Hickman
Aileen Hingston
Mr & Mrs J R Hodsman
Dr P J & Dr S Hogarth
Dr Brian Hogg
Mr & Mrs D Hopton
Mr J M Hopton
Mrs J Hoyle
Felicity Hurst
Mr K Hutson
The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) (M)
Mrs V Irish (M)
Mr S R Irwin
Mr R F Jenkinson
Dr A K G Jones
Mr G B Jubb
Dr R Kaner
Miss L Kellett
Mr D R Lane
Sir John & Lady Dorothy Lawton
Mr J G Lee
Dr & Mrs R Leonard (M)
Mr & Mrs S Lusty (M)
Mr & Mrs J K Maggs
Mrs J E Marsham
Professor J A D Matthew
Mr & Mrs D McManus
Miss S J Mellor
Professor D Miers
Janet Mills
Miss J Moulden
Andrew Moulson
Mr D G Norton
Ms D Nott
Mrs M R Orr
Mr A Owen
Dr G & Mrs R Oxford
Mr David Parker
Mr R Pashby
Robert Pauer
Mr R N Perutz
Mrs J Pickard
Dr R M Pinder
Mr S Pittam & Ms J Tod
Miss B J Pyrah
Mr D Rayner
Mr H A Robertson
Mr D M Robinson
Mr N P Robinson
Mrs P J Rogers
Sonia Rose
Mrs C Sandig
Mr S Sandig
The Sheldon Memorial Trust (M)
The Sylvia & Colin Shepherd Charitable Trust (M)
Mr C P K Sherwood
Mr D B Slater
Mrs Anne Smith
Mr & Mrs L Smith
Mr & Mrs L Smith
Dr P R S Smith
Mrs A M Spratt
St Peter’s School (M)
Mrs Janet Stankiewicz
Dr Ian Stead
Mr & Mrs C Stevens
Dr R Suttill
Mr M Taylor
Mrs M A Thallon
The Noel G Terry Charitable Trust (M)
Mrs S M Wade
Mrs V A Wallace
Mr & Mrs F A Weatherley
Mrs C Wells
Mr D Wharton-Street
Mr Andrew Wheeler
Mr A Whitehouse
Mr G Wilford
Dr H L Williams
Mrs J Williams
Mr G R Williamson
Mrs Barbara Wills
Professor A Winter
Mrs I M Wood
Professor M M Woolfson
York & District Geographical Association
York Civic Trust (M)
York Museums Trust (M)
Yorkshire Philosophical Society (M)
Mr D Young (M)