The Yorkshire Philosophical Society is a registered charity organisation. Much of the organisation of events and management of the society is undertaken by volunteers.
We need volunteers to help keep the society running smoothly and to continue providing high quality lectures and events.
Any contribution of your time and skills would be welcomed even if it is only for half an hour each month to assist in greeting members and guests at evening lectures or to help serve drinks in the Lodge after events.
From time to time we need people with specific skills to join the YPS Council. Please check the news pages for announcements.
We are always in need of members to help with the following activities:
Publicity and advertising of events
- To assist in lecture and event publicity (weekly or monthly emails, posters, notifying other societies and interest groups)
- To assist the Website Officer in collating lecture abstracts, lecture reports, articles and photos for posting on YPS website
- To assist in posting information about YPS and its activities on social networking media (Twitter, Facebook etc.)
Lecture event general assistance
- Assistance with setting up and testing the audio-visual equipment in the lecture hall (useful knowledge of adjusting PA system and microphone required)
- Hosting team – to greet attendees as they arrive at lectures, collection of donations from non-members, distribution of publicity materials and assistance with serving drinks and snacks at the Lodge after lectures.
- Lecture reports – generally at least one volunteer to write a short report on the lecture for posting on the website and inclusion in the annual report
If you are interested in joining the very friendly and sociable team who help run the YPS, please contact The Clerk to the Society on:
Email: info@ypsyork.org
Tel: 01904 656713