YPS helps develop the first York Science Trail
YPS member, John Bibby, is spearheading a move to establish a number of walks around the city and environs highlighting the contribution made by York people in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM).
The first of the trails is being prepared by YPS members Tom Halstead, Paul Thornley and Rod and Margaret Leonard, with the help of Sarah King, Yorkshire Museum Curator of Science. This trail will begin in Museum Gardens, and tell the story of the early work of the YPS, before moving into Bootham, telling at a number of stories including the scientific legacy of some old pupils of Bootham School. The trail wiill continue past the Minster, considering the contribution of Alcuin, then via the Treasurers House where John Goodricke observed variable stars, to Stonegate and the York Medical Society, once the home of Tempest Anderson, the vulcanolgist.These are just a few of the places which will be pointed out, and the stories which will be told of York’s contribution to the history of science, mathematics, engineering and medicine.
YPS members are invited to try out a preliminary version on March 28th (see the What’s on section of this site for details), and provide valuable feedback. Do join us, and help to make this a resource for the future.
Anyone who would like more involvement in the development of the overall project, which involves a number of different trails inother parts of the city, is invited to attend the meetings which take place in the Kings Manor Refectory. For further information on dates and times email JOHN BIBBY jb43@york.ac.uk